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Kale Tahini Salad 1 head of kale (remove stem) 1 tsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) 1 tbsp Tahini 1/2 Lemon (squeezed) 1 tsp Maple syrup 1 tsp Old style mustard Splash of waterProcess:Massage kale with EVOO to soften. In a bowl mix tahini, squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup, old style mustard and water and mix until desired consistency. Should be creamy. Add more tahini for a thicker consistency or water to smooth. Pour over kale and enjoy! ...

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Dear You

Thank you for taking chances. For always being the one who just didn’t give a fuck or give up. As long as I can remember, I did what was true. Maybe at times not at the very beginning of things. You know, when you did something because it was safe. Secure. Yet deep down you...

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