Hello! Welcome to my little space on the web. My name is Jasmine Estevez and I’m a 200-hour registered Yoga Alliance yoga instructor. After many years I decided I would take the leap and start my own website. My goal is to provide inspiration and services for a well balanced life. I’ve been on this journey for the last 13 years and have found many things that have worked for me and many that have not. If you’re new to my story, I’ll give you a quick recap.

A friend asked me to join her at a local yoga studio for a ashtanga class. Little did I know my first experience with yoga would be a 75 minute intermediate level class. As the teacher called out poses in Sanskrit- the Indo-European ancient language of yoga, I realized I was up for a real challenge. The poses were difficult, I was constantly looking around for guidance from others in the studio and I felt as if I wasn’t capABLE of completing the class without making a total fool of myself.  Once we were in savasana– the final posture in each yoga class, where you lie flat on your back with your eyes closed, I felt a sense  of relief after enduring what felt like the longest 75 minutes of my life! I felt good. Not just physically but mentally. I felt strong for completing the class and realized, I was in fact capABLE of pushing myself into the unknown and out of my comfort zone. As I laid there, the teacher said a few things about life and death, but ended the class with this-

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Again another saying in Sanskrit I didn’t understand. I’m not sure if it was the way theses words rolled off her tongue but I loved the sound of it. I wanted to know what it meant. After class I patiently waited while all the students engaged in light conversation with the teacher before leaving the studio. Once everyone was gone, I asked the teacher what it meant. She responded.

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may my thoughts, words, and actions contribute in some way to happiness and freedom for all.”

That was the moment I fell in love with this practice. It has pushed me beyond the mat. Through practicing the asana- poses, I realized I am capABLE of so much more than I could ever imagine. Yoga gave me tools to be mindful and aware of the thoughts and perception I had of myself and the world around me.  It encompasses the mind, body and spirit by honoring each one. Just like with anything in life, consistency and dedication will lead you to exactly where you want to be. Yoga has given me a different outlook on life and how I want to move forward in the most positive, compassionate way. Not just for myself, but for ALL beings. Part of that is wanting to share this practice with you.

From my heart to yours. Namaste.


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